Monday, September 1, 2008

Sadie Visited Dr. Puri for her 4 month follow up

Sadie saw Dr. Puri last week. Again, it was so nice to hear him say how pleased he was with Sadie's improvements, even from just 4 months ago. We discussed a little bit about 2 seizures Sadie had had just recently due to an elevated fever. She had a bad sinus infection a few weeks ago which lead to a high fever which triggered two seizures that were each about a minute long and four hours apart. But once we got the Tylenol working (This time Motrin didn't do the trick) the fever came down and no more seizures. She was put on a 14 day antibiotic and the sinus infection was gone in two days. Dr. Puri had told us before and reminded us again that Sadie has a very low tolerance for fever induced seizures. He said that it was nothing to worry about and that if her fever goes up again and we don't catch it early enough to prevent it, then she could seize again. But he also reassured us that if the seizures came and went with the fever then her "typical" seizures that she experienced last fall are still being controlled, so that was a relief to hear. He was very happy to see her motor skills, interactions, and over all development. He also wants to put a plan in motion to start weaning Sadie off of another med. He noticed how involved her gums were from all of the Dilantin she is on. (thickening of the gums is a major side effect of Dilantin) so he referred us to an awesome pediatric dentist, not just a dentist that works on kids, but a pediatric dentist which specializes in working JUSTwith kids and ones who possibly have other medical issues as well. So we are planning on seeing her soon. The only real concern Dr. Puri had at this time was Sadie's language delay. We told him that we were a little concerned as well, however, we were starting to see some real gains in that area now too. For example she is pointing to some objects when we name them, she is following one step directions, she always turns to her name now, she points and vocalizes her wants, she is babbling all the time and when you ask her "what?" she will repeat the exact same babble pattern. It is so funny to hear her do that. It's like SHE knows what she is saying so why don't we? She plays games with us and interacts with us all the time now. The best part is even though she still isn't saying a lot of words, she is saying more and more words each few weeks. So far we have heard her say: yeah, no, k-kee (cookie),pay (play), bayket (blanket), jacket, top it, (stop it to Scooter of course) and now she is trying to count : uuu, oo, ee, (one, two, three) and she even points her finger up when she does it like she's counting. If you ask her what a duck does she will flap her little bent arms up and down. She is also expressing herself through more signing. She had her follow up with the audiologist a few weeks ago too and all of the hearing results came back fine as well. So for right now Dr. Puri wants us to continue to keep her in speech therapy (of course) and also do more signing. He also said that we need to schedule having her evaluated at Riley in Indianapolis within the next six months just to see what they have to say about how to better improve her language development. It might end up being more like 10 months now that I am back to work, but we'll see. For right now Dr. Puri said he wants to do an EEG (Sept.) and an MRI (Oct.) to look at things again and depending how those turn out, then hopefully we'll be able to wean another med. which means she'll be down to only ONE! Yeah! It has been 11 months since her seizures first started and we've only seen two due to fever. It has only been 8 months since her therapies started and we can't believe all of the "catching up" she has accomplished! We Couldn't Be Happier!


A Whole New McAfee Crew said...

so glad to hear the good news!

The Wilson 5 said...

We are so happy for all of your progress Sadie. Keep up the great work!