Sunday, March 29, 2009

Sesame Street Live!!!

The kids were amazed. We were a little excited too to see all our favorite S.St. characters live on stage singing and dancing and talking. Sadie's face tells it all, she was so pumped up, she kept pointing and clapping and cheering. Her favorites are Elmo and Cookie Monster. Even though Scooter thinks he's too big for these guys, he was just as mezmerized (sp?) as Sadie, he likes Baby Bear, Telly, and Grover the best. We all had a great time.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

I'm blogging again

Okay, so about two weeks after Christmas our home computer crashed and up until just this week I have had no computer to blog on. My very generous husband gave me his old laptop and so now I have been catching up on our blog. I had to pick up where I left off from Christmas and boy have I been through a blogging marathon today!


Where do I start? Sadie's last neuro appt. Dr Puri said nothing but wonderful things. He was amazed at her abilities and how far she has come, he was pleased to hear that she had been seizure free for all this time, and he was eager to discuss the plans for weaning her off another med. So we are now weaning that med and by mid summer Sadie will only be on one seizure medication! Yeah! Her therapists are excited for Sadie and all of the gains she has made. Her occupational therapist even notes that Sadie is performing many preschool readiness skills at age level. Yeah again! Her speech therapist said Sadie's speech and communication is only delayed at about 8-10 months behind her real age and even said at our least ed team meeting that Sadie may be ready to drop her speech therapy from two times a week back to one time ( but I said I want her to keep it at two times because she is doing so well, I don't want her to regress because she is saying so much now and repeating everything- I love it!) and her developmental therapist says Sadie is doing so well, that she may not qualify for the special needs preschool program that the school system provides because she may not test as having a true disability. Yeah Yeah again!! (Which this all makes us so happy, but I hope she gets into the preschool program because I know it would be so good for her regardless of her ability level, but we'll see......) THANK YOU GOD! He IS a merciful God.

Scooter's new haircut

Scoot got his haircut this week. He said " I want it cut like daddy's." Of course we didn't get it cut that short, but we tell him it looks just like daddy's. It makes me so sad to see how big he is, he is no longer a toddler, but now a preschooler. He is getting big so fast. I can't believe he will be four in 2 months.

Rex's bowling birthday

Rex turned four and we got to help celebrate with him and some friends and a little bowling. Scooter started pushing from a seated position on the floor, but by the last few frames, he was a pro at it, standing and throwing the ball with both hands. The ball was a whole five pounds! Sadie wasn't interested in the bowling as much, she enjoyed hanging out with mommy and running all over the place causing havoc. She did stop to pose for a few pics. "Sheez" is what she says when I pull the camera out.

Bath time with daddy

Seth may not agree with this post, but I love bath pics, especially the ones with daddy. HeHe!

Go Utica Jets!

I took Scoot to the Utica Jets Tournament game, sine he is a future Jet. We met up with the Clarkes, so I had to get a pic of him and his buddy Bethany. Scooter was amazed at the huge gymnasium at Jeff High and was in absolute awe with the players running and shooting on the court. He loved it and it made it even sweeter that we won! Yeah Jets!

Happy Birthday mommy!

For my birthday, my very good chef of a husband surprised me with crab legs, lobster tail, artichokes, and a berry pie with ice cream (some of my favorites). It was so delish! Thanks babe. All three of my sweet babies made it a wonderful evening for me.

A day at the park

Okay, so maybe it wasn't real warm and maybe it was a little too windy (as Sadie's face shows in the picture with her and Scooter crossing the parking lot), but we were so relieved that all of the snow had finally melted and we wanted to get outside and enjoy the snow-free ground.

Snow, Snow, Snow

Snow Day outside in the backyard. The picture of Sadie going down the slide is not real clear, but it cracks me up of how much a daredevil she is, so I had to post it. She sometimes takes bigger risks than her big brother. she is so hilarious. Scooter however risks putting some snow in his mouth. Taste good bud?

Cleaning Day

It is always nice to have willing participants on cleaning day. I better appreciate this now, because in a few years they won't be so willing. They love it now, and I enjoy cleaning day a whole lot more when I can share it with them.

Bridgette's girls night out

Bridgette decided to have a girls night. She was feeling the need to have some girl fun, so she called all her cronies together. A bunch of her friends from the salon came and some of us "long time" friends came too. Here are the three of us: Dottie, me, and Bridgette. We had so much fun, a little too much really.

Christmas Morning at the Stewarts

Christmas Morning!!! Scooter got his favorite show characters: Sportacus, Stephanie, and Robbie Rotten all from Lazytown. Sadie got some puzzles and her very favorite: her own personal vaccum.

more Christmas pics

New moon sand, the ever favorite trampoline, lots of new babies, lincoln logs, and the Scooby Doo characters. Fun, fun, fun... ( Check out Sadie's hair, she's got a wild mane!)

Christmas Eve right before bed

Putting out reindeer food on Christmas Eve. OH GOSH! WHAT WAS THAT SOUND I JUST HEARD? Maybe the reindeer? Sadie is more interested in getting on the tricycle.