Saturday, November 10, 2007

We are finally Home! Sadie hasn't had any seizures since Sunday! However she is on A LOT of medication. She sleeps often and when she is awake she is definitely unstable. We are in the process of weaning her off of one of the medications and if all goes well with the decrease of that one, then we may possibly wean another one. Then that will only leave two meds. She is still on the ketogenic diet and will remain on it as long as her seizures are controlled. Right now its sort of a mystery as to why her seizures have decreased. the doctors say it could be the meds, it could be the diet, or it could be a combination of the two. We won't know until we start peeling away some of these "layers" of meds and that has to be a slow process. If you take seizure meds away too quickly it could cause more seizures. Of course we still don't know what's causing her seizures. But we do know that after the PET scan she is showing seizure activity on both sides of the brain, so for right now surgery is out. However, we do have a consultation appointment in December to discuss having the VNS (vegas nerve stimulator) inserted in Sadie. For now, we are just so happy to be home and to be back to a somewhat normal life again. God is in control and so we have all of our faith in Him and His plan for Sadie. Again, thank you for the prayers and thank you for all of the support. We are truly blessed to have so many people in our lives that care and love us.


A Whole New McAfee Crew said...

i am so glad you guys are finally home! call me when you get a chance! i'd love to talk to you!

the lewis gang said...

yea! may God continue to bless your family with His strength and grace.

The Powers Bunch said...

I am so happy you all made it home safely...we continue to pray for Sadie and your family daily!

The Wilson 5 said...

We are so happy to hear that you all are home. We will continue to pray for sweet baby Sadie & all of you. We love you all very much! God will see you through! If you all need anything at all, you know where to find me.

Paula Yount said...

Hey Seth and Sarah:

It's wonderful to see you are settling in at home. I'm happy to see so many happy photos of Scooter. I was wondering whether he was able to go trick or treating.
You all are in my prayers daily. I love all of you.

Amber said...

Hi, It's Ms. Lisa and Ms. Amber from KidsCare.

We are so excited to hear that you are home. We are glad to see that Sadie is not having seizures. Also we are glad that she no longer has to be in the hospital. We pray for her everyday. May God help Sadie that she may not have anymore seizures.