Friday, November 9, 2007

Scooter was "Rooney" (from "the Doodlebops") for halloween. He attended the halloween festival that the Cleveland Vineyard Church sponsored. He also got to go trick-or-treating all through the Cleveland Children's Hospital. He ended up with a pillow case full of treats! His halloween was very busy.


Granny G said...

I am so sorry your family is going thru these hard times. I want you to know that I am thinking of you and Sadie. She is a beautiful little girl. Be strong and know that everything will be fine with time. Grandma always said " It is a great life if you don't weaken" and you are strong!
Love and Prayers,
Marcia Gettelfinger(Alicia's mom)

the lewis gang said...

it is so neat that you were able to have the support of the community there to give scooter some normalcy.