Saturday, March 28, 2009


Where do I start? Sadie's last neuro appt. Dr Puri said nothing but wonderful things. He was amazed at her abilities and how far she has come, he was pleased to hear that she had been seizure free for all this time, and he was eager to discuss the plans for weaning her off another med. So we are now weaning that med and by mid summer Sadie will only be on one seizure medication! Yeah! Her therapists are excited for Sadie and all of the gains she has made. Her occupational therapist even notes that Sadie is performing many preschool readiness skills at age level. Yeah again! Her speech therapist said Sadie's speech and communication is only delayed at about 8-10 months behind her real age and even said at our least ed team meeting that Sadie may be ready to drop her speech therapy from two times a week back to one time ( but I said I want her to keep it at two times because she is doing so well, I don't want her to regress because she is saying so much now and repeating everything- I love it!) and her developmental therapist says Sadie is doing so well, that she may not qualify for the special needs preschool program that the school system provides because she may not test as having a true disability. Yeah Yeah again!! (Which this all makes us so happy, but I hope she gets into the preschool program because I know it would be so good for her regardless of her ability level, but we'll see......) THANK YOU GOD! He IS a merciful God.


Dan and Denise said...

Hooray! Congrats on all of that good news!

A Whole New McAfee Crew said...

what great news!! glad to hear it!

The Wilson 5 said...

YEAH!!!! Sadie girl!!!! We are sooo happy for ALL of the great news. Miss & Love you ALL!!!!