Sadie is doing very well! We still haven't been told when her evaluation will be at the Wieskopf Center, but we should know that this week. We have been told that they are already four months out, so she may not be seen until sometime early spring, but her neurologist isn't in a big rush, he doesn't feel her evaluation is a big emergency. He says that Sadie is more than likely dealing with an "auditory processing disorder". He says that with all of the other set backs she has experienced from the seizures that it would not be uncommon for her auditory processing to be affected as well. He says that if I am happy with her therapy (which I so much am) and she is showing signs of improvment and regaining some skills (which she so much is) then through therapy, she should be able to regain her listening ability as well. As far as how much regaining she will achieve, no one knows, only God and time will tell.
I am in the process of trying to get her an additional hour of speech therapy and/or listening therapy. I am still in the research phases of that, so nothing for certain yet. She is starting to react to sound somewhat more, like turning to sounds and reacting to sounds, and she is also beginning to make some very subtle improvements with
her sounds~ not just the same /u/ and/o/ sounds all of the time.
She has really improved in her motor skills! She is walking with slight help and she is improving with her left hand reaching and grabbing. She is playing with toys more and seems more aware of the world around her. Most importantly, she seems a lot more happy!
Scooter is getting so big too. He is going potty, saying his abc's and 123's, saying his prayers, and still playing his guitar and singing into his microphone. His new love is Hannah Montana! Out of all of the Valentine cards he had to choose from, he chose HER! Well, I hope they're a big hit with his fellow daycare classmates tomorrow.